How to Use @AR_GetChatID_BOT

Welcome to the user guide for **@AR_GetChatID_BOT**! This bot is hosted as a Cloudflare worker and provides detailed JSON data for Telegram messages. With this bot, you can retrieve in-depth information about any message in your chats.

Getting Started

To use the bot, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the Bot: Access the bot via this link.
  2. Send a Message: Start a conversation with the bot by sending a message, or forward a message to the bot from your chat.

Message Structure

The bot will respond with the message details in JSON format, which includes the following key fields:

  • message_id: The unique identifier for the message (e.g., 22).
  • from: Sender details, including user ID, first name, last name, and username.
  • chat: Information about the chat, including chat ID, first name, last name, username, and chat type.
  • date: The timestamp when the message was sent.
  • forward_origin: If the message was forwarded, details of the original message, including type, chat info, message ID, author signature, and date.
  • text: The content of the message, if available.
  • entities: Additional entities like URLs in the message, with offset, length, and type information.
  • link_preview_options: Information regarding link preview settings (e.g., whether previews are enabled or disabled).


Simply interact with **@AR_GetChatID_BOT** to retrieve the JSON details for any message, including:

  • Sender details: Learn more about the sender of the message.
  • Chat information: Get information about the chat where the message was sent.
  • Timestamp: Find out when the message was sent.
  • Forwarding details: View details if the message was forwarded.
  • Message content: The text or media content of the message.
  • Additional entities: Access URLs and other entities embedded in the message.
  • Link previews: Get data about whether link previews are enabled.

Example Output

Here’s an example of the JSON output you can expect from the bot:

    "message_id": 22,
    "from": {
        "user_id": 12345,
        "first_name": "John",
        "last_name": "Doe",
        "username": "johndoe"
    "chat": {
        "chat_id": 67890,
        "first_name": "Group Chat",
        "last_name": "",
        "username": "groupchat",
        "type": "group"
    "date": 1636364643,
    "forward_origin": {
        "type": "forwarded",
        "chat": {
            "chat_id": 98765,
            "first_name": "Original Chat",
            "last_name": "",
            "username": "originalchat"
        "message_id": 101,
        "author_signature": "Jane Smith",
        "date": 1636364643
    "text": "Hello, this is a test message.",
    "entities": [{
        "type": "url",
        "offset": 10,
        "length": 18,
        "url": ""
    "link_preview_options": {
        "disable_preview": true

Technical Information

  • Bot Name: @AR_GetChatID_BOT
  • Hosting: Cloudflare
  • Developer: Ashlynn ⚡
  • Programming Language: JavaScript (JS)

Additional Notes

  • Ensure the bot has access to the messages you want to retrieve information for (either by sending a message or forwarding one).
  • If you encounter any issues or need assistance, feel free to reach out to the bot’s developer.